1·Test the content of string variables and accept only expected values.
2·Mock objects are used to verify that the expected values are being generated.
3·You can examine the action to determine whether all the fields in the action objects contain expected values.
4·If you invoke the method, Rational Functional Tester automatically compares the actual values with the expected values.
如果您调用了该方法,那么Rational Functional Tester会自动比较实际值和预期值。
5·After importing, these should be adjusted in the template to better match expected values for the process you are importing.
6·If the username and password match the expected values, this just returns; otherwise, it throws an exception to indicate the error.
7·When you get — this is Rituparna, counting the leaves on a tree — you can estimate, from a sample, the population expected values.
8·Equal or contain verification points enable you to directly compare the XML document that the Web service returns to the expected values.
9·The optimized machine has been put into operation in Luohe Power Plant, performance shows that the efficiency exceeds the expected values.
10·In case some results are displayed on GUI, it's easy to compare the actual values with the expected values by using the verification point feature.